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CON - Conditioning
Determines how fast you lose energy.
EFF - Efficiency
Determines how fast you lose energy when grappling.
STR - Strength
Determines how much damage you do with strikes, submissions, and takedowns.
SPD - Speed
Determines how quick your fighter is. Helps to sprawl, takedown, grapple and quicker strikes.
AGG - Aggressiveness
Determines how aggressive you are.
PUN - Punching
Determines how much damage you do with punches as well as how well you defend against them.
KIK - Kicking
Determines how much damage you do with kicks as well as how well you defend against them.
TKD - Takedowns
Determines how good you are at taking opponents down.
SPR - Sprawl
Determines how good you are at defending takedowns.
GPO - Ground Positioning
Determines how good you are at getting in the best position on the ground.
GST - Ground Striking
Determines how much damage you do with ground strikes and how well you defend them.
SUB - Submissions
Determines how good you are at pulling and defending submissions.
INR - Intellegence & Reflexes
Determines how good your strategy is during the fight. With this, you will do what you have to do to win.
KIL - Killer Instinct
Determines how good you are at ending the fight with striking. This doesn't help lock on submissions.
TGH - Toughness
Determines how much damage you can take from strikes.
HRT - Heart
Determines how much damage you can take from submissions.

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